Blazer Refashion

I mentioned having developed an affinity for suits due to participating in high school speech in my post yesterday (thank you to everyone who shared kind words in the comments and on Facebook). I had this blazer hanging in my closest from back in the tournament days…

That picture is really bad… but it might be the last time I ever wore that jacket.

Sally just looks drab in this jacket
The back (the skirt has nothing to do with this refashion!)

I wanted to adjust the neckline of this jacket so I started by removing the stitching from the lining of the front of the jacket, then folded the jacket over creating the V of the neckline that I wanted and ultimately transforming the 4-button jacket into a 2-button blazer. Meanwhile, Watson was intrigued by Sally’s one leg with four feet.

After I folded and pinned, I cut away the extra material and added the two extra buttons to my collection. I really like buttons for some reason (and always have). Brad thinks it’s weird. Then I got to work sewing down the neckline. Because of the material of the jacket, I made tiny stitches by hand that are invisible. I didn’t have to be terribly careful since you can’t see the seam.

I sew. The cats sleep. Brad takes pictures.

I tacked the lining back down and admired how nice the blazer’s new cut looks on Sally. On me, it still looks a bit off. (Have I mentioned that my dress form, Sally, set to the smallest measurements is just a hair bit bigger than I am?)

I might revisit this blazer and make the three pleats on each side into one or two darts, but it’s definitely an overall improvement!


Linking Up:

Skip To My Lou

Little Friday


PR professional and social media enthusiast, blogging about life, marriage, coffee and type 1 diabetes.

2 thoughts on “Blazer Refashion

  • March 29, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    Love this! Wish I had the courage and confidence to alter my clothes.

    • March 29, 2014 at 4:19 pm

      The easiest way to start is to go to a thrift store an pick up a piece for a couple of dollars that you see potential in and then just go at it. If you mess it up, it’s not something that has memories tied up in it.


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