Christmas… In Photos
We started with a newly painted bathroom (more on that after the new flooring gets put in).
Before Christmas Eve got started I got a needle in my arm for labs for my endo appointment. I already got results and my A1C is down .2, meaning that we didn’t continue to A1C creeping trend! (Down, but stable. Getting closer to my personal goal, a little farther left.)
We prepared the house for company including a crackling fire. (Our fire place is sealed, figure out how we did it…)
We pulled out the china and set up the dining room for company.
We hosted a wonderful dinner, with a team effort. We actually kind of fell into it since most of the people we normally spend Christmas Eve with had to be in Cleveland anyway. We like to entertain, so having a house full of family at the holidays was really nice.

Of course our trees were all decorated.
You can’t forget the little one in the basement…
Brad and I had a quiet Christmas morning at home with French toast casserole and coffee. We exchanged gifts before packing up gifts for the extended family and heading down to Brad’s great grandma’s for dinner and gifts. Partway through unwrapping presents, great grandma sets the bag of wrapping paper in front of her, plops down on it and exclaims, “This is how you compact paper!”
When we returned home, I scurried to blog about Christmas on my shiny new Sony VAIO Pro 11!
We’re looking forward to more celebrations this weekend with my family. How was your Christmas?
I’m glad to hear it sounds like you had a very nice Christmas 🙂
Beside a funeral on Christmas eve morning, my Christmas was nice also. We had a few people over on Christmas eve for some snacks, drinks and pizza. Christmas day was spent at my sister’s. And the best part was I got to spend yesterday in my pj’s!
Congrats on the A1c – I hope the new year brings you more happiness and health 🙂