Contain Yourself {Cleveland Got a Container Store!}
The Container Store (The Original Storage and Organization Store) in Beachwood has been open for a couple of months now, but I just recently found time to get my Westside self out to the Eastside to do some storage shopping.
Do you follow me on Pinterest? If so, you may have noticed that I have a board dedicated to organization obsessions. I’m slightly obsessed with finding new ways to organize and store stuff.
My very pregnant friend Natalie and I met up for lunch and a visit to the Container Store for no other purpose than to explore. I’d never been in one before, because there weren’t any local, but I’d browsed online. Let me say, browsing in the store is so much better!
We walked down nearly every aisle of the store.
The office storage items were my favorite. There were all the colors one could want and a ton of options. I actually wanted a jewelry drop solution for on the dresser in our bedroom. I have a great mirrored jewelry cabinet and a tall jewelry storage chest that store my jewelry and a host of other things because there’s so much space, but I wanted something small like a bowl or plate to drop my daily jewelry pieces in or things I was planning to wear the next day. Although they have a slew of jewelry storage options, what caught by eye was a silicone desk drawer storage solution. I ended up picking up a Poppin This & That Silicone Tray in mint.
It’s perfect for my purposes. Even though departments are a good place to start for selecting a storage solution, think outside the
box container a little and find what works for you.
With a little boy on the way, Natalie and I made sure to check out the children’s storage stuff as well. It was adorable! They have cute stuff for storing and organizing toys, clothes and all the things that come with a kid.
Our friends have put together an adorable woodland creature themed nursery for their little boy, and Natalie loved this 3 Sprouts fabric storage container with a fox on it. But she put it back because she wasn’t sure she’d find a place for it.
Me being the sneaky friend I am, after we said goodbye, I waited until Natalie drove away, then went back in and bought the fox storage bin. The next day, Natalie opened it at her baby shower. Mischief managed!
The Container Store is definitely the place to go if you have storage needs or think you may have storage needs.