Friday Five: Christmas List

By “list” I mean To-Do List! It dawned on me this week that I’m now among the “last minute” crowd. Last minute shopping…. last minute baking… last minute planning… last minute EVERYTHING! I’m stressing just thinking about it.

At least *most* of our Christmas cards are sent! (I sent them from work, partially because the mail carrier for my office looks like Santa Claus and partially because the mail carrier for our house doesn’t believe in accepting outgoing mail from our box.) I’m hoping to make a dent in my holiday to-do list by taking part of the day off, last year I took a whole vacation day to finish shopping, this year is far too busy for that.

Here’s the list:

  1. Finish Christmas shopping for the family
  2. Do the holiday baking, there are a bunch of people patiently waiting for baklava to appear
  3. Wrap presents
  4. Confirm outstanding holiday plans
  5. Track down addresses for the last few Christmas card recipients and mail them out

My Christmas season doesn’t start until after Thanksgiving and I’m feeling the abbreviated time span. It’s also tough to get out there and shop, or stay in and bake, when Brad’s travels have eaten into the last couple of weekends.

What’s left on your holiday to-do list?



PR professional and social media enthusiast, blogging about life, marriage, coffee and type 1 diabetes.

4 thoughts on “Friday Five: Christmas List

  • December 13, 2013 at 2:14 pm

    I still have a few friends gifts to get and luckily, I managed to send out my Christmas cards last week (phew!). I need to get the staff at my gym a present…that one I need help with! Thanks for sharing. And also…a Santa-looking mail carrier? 😀

    • December 16, 2013 at 9:16 am

      Haha yes! He looks like Santa but isn’t incredibly jolly. If it wouldn’t be creepy, I’d take his picture.

  • December 14, 2013 at 8:16 pm

    Also feeling the crunch…just put my tree up today, haven’t baked anything, cards are addressed but need a handwritten note in each, still have to wrap. It’s the meantime, just got my CGM delivered so waiting for my CDE to come train me on it so I. Might be able to finally get ahold of these swings. Happy holidays!

    • December 16, 2013 at 9:18 am

      Which CGM are you starting on? When I got my Dexcom, I called the rep and they said if I was comfortable, I could watch the video and get started on me own.

      Good luck with your to-do list! I checked a few things off mine this weekend.


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