Friday Five: Holiday Catch Up

Here’s what is or has happened holiday wise so far:

1. Decorations are up. 

Of course I haven’t taken very many pictures yet. *gasp* But Brad and I decided to dial it back a bit at our house this year and only put up the big tree in the living room. The shorter dining room tree is hanging out in the attic this year.

2. We partied last week.

I was right to be excited for Brad’s work party last weekend. It was yet again a lot of fun.


3. Christmas cards are late again.

Brad likes doing photo cards which is fine, but the hassle of finding a good photo to use is annoying. I would have just used one of our photos from last Christmas but Brad had Lasik since then and looks drastically different without glasses. Last year below, this year above.

Last Year

Now we have to address them and get them in the mail. Hopefully we’ll make it in enough time for people to display them. Speaking of displays, how do you display your holiday cards? I’ve done two different things in the past and neither were ideal display methods. I plan to make a card wreath this weekend which may solve the problem. I’ll let you know how it goes.

4. Shopping is almost done!

I’m excited about how well we did this year at getting gifts for people! I feel like the things we’ve found so far fit the recipient really well. We have a few more things to get and I still need to get something for Brad! (I’m a horrible wife, I know). And to brag a bit more, I’ve wrapped all but two of the gifts we’ve purchased wrapped already.

5. More holiday fun awaits.

We are headed to an annual holiday dinner at Gervasi Vineyard win Canton this weekend. They do a great job making the place feel really festive and I’m looking forward to it!

And I got one of Pump Peelz new holiday designs in the mail to review, since tonight is pod change I get to sport a festive pancreas this weekend!

How’s your holiday prep going?

Been to any parties yet?

Don’t forget, I’m having an online Jamberry party  and anyone who does the buy 3, get one free or hosts their own party gets entered into a drawing.



The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup


PR professional and social media enthusiast, blogging about life, marriage, coffee and type 1 diabetes.

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