Friday Five: The Grocery Store

Life has been a bit crazy lately and I pushed my weekly grocery store trip off until yesterday. Bad. Idea. It was one of the worst shopping experiences of my life… here are the highlights lowlights:

1. I got my foot run over by an elderly couples’ shopping cart upon entering the store.

2. A woman on a motorized scooter didn’t look before backing up and nearly hit me. I hollered “Whoa!” to hopefully get her attention, and she stopped her scooter but never bothered to look at me. I quickly grabbed my produce and fled the area.

3. People don’t know how to not block aisles when they shop.

4. The store rearranged its layout recently and now I don’t know where anything is.

5. I couldn’t buy tomato wraps as I wanted to because every single package was expired. I dug through all of them and they had expired on Wednesday. When I handed a pack of them to the stockboy and explained that they were all expired, he looked at me like he didn’t know what an expiration date was until I waved the package of wraps at him and said, “Someone should know about this.” Unfortunately… that’s not the first time they’ve had a full stock of expired wraps at that store. Yes, I will be writing to them about it.

I wish I could shop in the middle of the night, but I value my sleep too much. I will be icing my foot and investing in some steel-toed shopping shoes!

Do you have any crazy grocery shopping stories? Please share them with me!


Ice pack courtesy of the infuriating people at my pharmacy who send me insulin but take 42 minutes to work out a simple problem…

…and probably caused my 10-minutes nosebleed just now.


PR professional and social media enthusiast, blogging about life, marriage, coffee and type 1 diabetes.

One thought on “Friday Five: The Grocery Store

  • January 13, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    As I was leaving the grocery store once with my roommate, the first automatic door opened, but not the second. Neither of us could get by the cart, so I was just standing there hitting the second set of doors completely stuck and trying to not fall down from laughing.


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