Friday Five: Valentine and Love Edition
For my work, Friday the 13th (today folks) is technically a “holiday”… or at least that’s what my time sheet says. Today is moving day so we ended up having the day off.
I’m taking advantage of this three-day weekend by sleeping in until
8:00 7:40am (!), getting my eyes checked and having a lunch date with my Valentine. So while I’m enjoying my day off, you can enjoy some random thoughts on love and Valentine’s Day.
1. I usually wear something red or pink on Valentine’s Day. I also usually feel cheesy when I do… but I’m still going to do it.
2. The flower shop on a corner near my house put up these conversation heart signs, aside from the standard “Be Mine” and “Kiss Me” that are hearts that say “TXT Me” (because “text” is too long?) and “Call Me Maybe” (Thank you Carley Rae). There are two of each message and what drives me nuts is that the messages are side by side instead of spaced. If it were up to me, I’d place one of each message facing one street and one of each of the messages facing the other street.
3. As most of you know, I got married young(ish). I appreciate the partnership that Brad and I have in our marriage every day. I ran across this post that I wrote about marriage and think it’s worth sharing.
4. You can spare a rose this Valentine’s Day and save a life.
5. If you want to read some more random thoughts on Valentine’s Day, check out my Disjointed Thoughts on Valentine’s Day post.
Brad and I make a nice Valentine’s Day dinner together at home.
What do you have in store this Valentine’s Day weekend?
Woohoo! I have a 3 day weekend…with Monday off! Since the weather is supposed to be horrid tomorrow, I just have plans are truly letting myself relax! I plan on yoga, waffles, and granola baking!
I wish I had a three day weekend, too! But just as nice is that next week is the start of having two days of a week again instead of just one. Wahoo! I smiled when I read the part about the Valentine’s signs. Things like that bug me all the time and I feel so weird for noticing, haha.
We don’t really have plans (that I know of). I work like usual tomorrow and Sunday- hope you enjoy your weekend, Rachel!
Awaiting another foot of snow. Ugh! We’re cooking in. Happy Valentine’s Day!