Friendly Reminder

If you don’t know at least one person who had (or has) the flu, consider yourself lucky!

I feel like I dodged a major bullet avoiding the flu so far this year, I was unknowingly exposed to someone with it, my husband caught it and kicked it quickly, but I’m still wary. I’m also kind of anti-social right now.

Here’s a friendly reminder to anyone with the flu, a cold or any other contagious ailment: Stay away from others. Seriously, don’t try to be a social sick person or try to convince others (and yourself) that you’re well when you aren’t. Just because “it’s going around” doesn’t mean you should go around with it.

Since so many people around me have fallen ill to this year’s flu, plus the nasty cold that I actually did come down with a few months ago, I’ve been extra vigilant about my health. I’m not sure how far it will get me, but I’ve added an extra vitamin C to my regular daily vitamin, I’m drinking lots of water and green tea and I’m washing my hands… a lot.

It’s also not a bad idea during cold and flu season to kick up the cleaning a notch ny sanitizing things like doorknobs, light switches, other handles, keyboards, phones and workspaces.

For most “normal” people coming down with a cold or the flu is an inconvenience and some missed work time. For people with diabetes, like me, coming down with a cold or the flu wreaks havoc on my overall health. These viruses directly impact blood sugar levels making diabetes even harder to manage on top of the regular sick management, plus it takes longer to get over illness.

If you’re sick, I hope that you feel better soon. I also hope that you remember to practice good hygiene and anti-social behavior.

I’m curious about this, Brad had a flu shot and still caught the flu this year. He’s not the only one who experiences this.

Did you get a flu shot? Did you catch the flu?


6 thoughts on “Friendly Reminder

  • January 10, 2013 at 4:11 pm

    Yes, I did get a flu shot — I do every year. I had a cold that lingered for about a week (starting New Years’ Eve), but not the actual flu. It’s not as bad as flu, but still not fun.

    Since last winter when I got a similar cold, I started taking 500 mg of Vitamin C daily. When I feel I’m coming down with something (or know I have something), I up it to 1000, just as a precaution.

    Glad to hear you avoided it!

  • January 10, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    We didn’t get the flu, but we did get a cold due to people at a holiday celebration not keeping their sick kids home. We refuse the flu shot and I personally believe it is not safe.

  • January 10, 2013 at 11:57 pm

    Vitamin D is also good to take. There are actually people who think it is as good as getting a flu shot.

    • January 11, 2013 at 10:02 am

      Most people who have autoimmune disorders also have low vitamin D, which supports the immune system.

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  • January 14, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    I got my flu shot back in October – and I get one every single year. I had the flu once a few years ago (before I got the vaccine) and I never, ever want it again. They have been reporting that this year’s flu season is the absolute worst. In NYC at this time last year, there were 5k reported cases. This year there is 19k. It’s no joke. Now there is even a shortage of vaccinations! You can still get the flu after being vaccinated – it’s not 100% effective. But apparently those who still get the flu get a milder case. Or so the CDC says.
    I hope the bullet remains dodged for you. I was sick with a stomach virus for a while so I hope that’s the extent of my illness for the winter!


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