I’m a case study

I really like LinkedIn and it’s always nice when LinkedIn likes me back.

I recently had a conversation with Kyle Lacy about my LinkedIn experiences… and I’m a case study. I have my current job greatly in part to being found on LinkedIn. Read more on Kyle’s blog.

It’s off to a webinar I go, so happy reading over on www.kylelacy.com or on these other LinkedIn posts:

LinkedIn Recommendations vs. References

I denied people on LinkedIn


6 thoughts on “I’m a case study

  • October 27, 2011 at 1:03 pm

    That’s awesome! With your success on Linked-in, do you think it hurts you to not have recommendations? Pretty much none of the people I’ve worked with at my internship and jobs while at Mount Union are not on Linked-in, and therefore I don’t have any recommendations. Do you think it hurts more to have an account without recommendations than just not having an account at all?

    • October 27, 2011 at 1:24 pm

      It does not hurt to have a profile without recommendations. Even if people you’ve worked with aren’t on LinkedIn to give you recommendations, it’s important to have a professional network and when you’re looking for a job, having that online presence is helpful to help potential employers get to know who you are.

      I think recommendations are great, but even if you don’t have them LinkedIn is still valuable. It’s not a bad idea to ask for recommendations from people you worked with in organizations are large projects as well as professors.

  • October 31, 2011 at 7:53 pm

    Congrats! I’m so glad you got your job after a “great” internship 🙂 I’m also glad to have helped and provided you a recommendation!

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