Immature Skin

When I was a teenager scowling at my pores in the mirror, I consoled myself with the thought that adults don’t get zits. I mistakenly thought that my skin woes would go away when I grew up.

No such luck.

Then Influenster sent me Mary Kay’s Clear Proof System. The card in the box promised a noticeable difference in a few as seven days. (The best things in life are free… from Influenster!)

Holmes and Watson enjoyed the box

Mary Kay’s Clear Proof System is a four-step process:

  1. Wash your face with the cleansing gel
  2. Apply the blemish control toner
  3. Dab the acne treatment gel on blemishes
  4. Moisturize with the oil free moisturizer

To get things going I took a before picture. It’s weird to voluntarily post a picture of myself looking eh.

Here’s my Day 1 picture:

The box said results would be noticeable at 7 days. I did notice that my pores seemed a little clearer. I used the system once a day. The instructions say that you can increase the usage but the system definitely dried my skin out, so I stuck with one time.

My 30-days after picture doesn’t look that great:

The system did make it easier to cover up the blemishes I had during the day. Using less make up is always nice as well. Here’s a half-way picture (with make up, but no chin zit!):

I did notice that even though it seemed like I didn’t get fewer blemishes, they seemed to clear up more quickly and were less severe, so that’s a win. The system also did a pretty good job at removing make up. I hate the additional step of make up remover, so having my cleanser remove make up is a major bonus.

Everyone’s skin is different. Some people are lucky enough to say goodbye to skin problems when they become adults and some of us just have immature skin!

What’s something that you thought would be different in adulthood but isn’t?


I was sent these complimentary products from Influenster for review purposes… the things were free, but the opinions are mine and are honest.

The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup


PR professional and social media enthusiast, blogging about life, marriage, coffee and type 1 diabetes.

2 thoughts on “Immature Skin

  • November 18, 2014 at 4:18 pm

    I guess I have immature skin as well, since I *still* break out, though more often than not, they’re cysts under the skin that never really come to a head. Still annoying though. And it’s nice to have a good concealer. 🙂

  • November 19, 2014 at 6:15 am

    I am with you on the skin issues as an adult! Some people over scrub when all they need to do is carefully slough off dead skin cells that clog pores. Too many toners over dry skin that adds to our woes.Glad you found great products that work for you!


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