LinkedIn Recommendations vs. References

Can a LinkedIn recommendation replace a job reference?

I’m actually hoping for some feedback on this.

I think that it would be possible. I have a few recommendations on my LinkedIn profile… it’s ok if you want to go look, the blog will be here when you get back. For those recommendations, I approached the same people that I would ask for job references and asked that they recommend my work. And they wrote what I would imagine (and hope!) they would say to someone inquiring about me for a potential position.

Typically you provide three references when asked during the application/interview process for a job. Well if I were to supply three references, I’d pick three of the people who have recommended me on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is becoming a fantastic resource for both job seekers and employers (as well a people who want to maintain an awesome network). In fact stay tune to read about how LinkedIn helped me get here (here being at a desk, in an office at an advertising agency).

When you’re researching a candidate, do you read their LinkedIn recommendations?


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