My husband loves Pinterest
But he doesn’t know it, nor is he a member.
When I moved into my college apartment with a full glorious kitchen, I was excited to actually cook and start putting together a collection of recipes to make delicious food for my fiance. For my bridal shower, I asked that the ladies bring me a recipe. As my recipe boxes continued to be filled with tasty things, I’ve craved more. (Also, my box has a lot of dessert items)

I still feel like I have a very small pool of things that I make (and even fewer that I make well) and find myself wanting easy and yummy things that I can make for us for dinner. Pinterest has been great for feeding that desire (feeding, get it?).
My Looks Tasty board is a growing treasure trove of culinary ideas that I either want to duplicate or alter to make healthier (read: lower carb). I’ve tried or been inspired by a few so far without any complaints from Brad. Not that I’d expect him to complain, his answer to “What sounds good for dinner?” Is always, “whatever you want to make.”
Now I have to share some of the things I’ve made!
I made ham cups with egg and cheese. They were pretty good, but of course my picture is much less pretty than the one on Pinterest. I really liked using my muffin pan, since I don’t make a lot of muffins or cupcakes. I have pinned several recipes that use muffin pans for real food. I have
also made breakfast cups with toast and eggs along with broccoli biscuit muffins. I really like the single serving foods that muffin pans produce. It makes serving dinner and calculating carbohydrates easy.
I’m also using the things I pin to inspire new ways of cooking the things we love. Like asparagus. I’ve found some variation for oven roasting it that have received thumbs up.
Although I don’t use Pinterest solely as an electronic cookbook, recipe finding is one of my favorite ways to use this tool. Currently I’m pinning tasty crock pot recipes in hopes of using our slow cooker more often.
Are you on Pinterest? What do you use it for?
I love pinterest too! I typically find way more recipes than I could make (my dream day is 20 minutes on pinterest and 8 hours in the kitchen…)…
My friend and I send pins back and forth at work…she finds lots of crazy cute baby stuff/pictures/clothes…
And whenever I play with my pinterest app on my phone when I’m bored I find my boyfriend looking over my shoulder….he even likes some of the home decor stuff I’ve showed him…*one day*
You could pin what you bake!
You’re totally right — I’ve found some of my new favorite recipes on Pinterest, and generally Lucas does nothing but rave about them. It’s a nice, fun way to find things to get you out of your “cooking rut” when you’ve been doing the same recipes over and over again!
I’m enamored with all the different ways Pinterest can be used: not only do I love to look for recipes on there, but I’ve also used it for crafting ideas that have turned into really nice gifts for others, and some fun decorating ideas, as well. I’ve also used it very successfully to find writing prompts to give my writing group at church.
I’ve browsed your recipe board for ideas.
Writing prompts are a new thought. I see a lot of book lists but that’s a really unique way to use Pinterest.