(Not Really) Wordless Wednesday: First Anniversary

Monday marked one year of marriage for the K-Couple.

This was us on May 28, 2011

One Year Later

When we got engaged in September 2009, we picked May 28 for our wedding not because it was Memorial Day weekend, but because we were graduating from college on May 7th so we picked a day a few weeks out that would give us a chance to recover from finals and nail down final details. Then we found out that Brad’s grandparents got married on May 28th and his grandmother was thrilled to hear that we had picked their day. She passed away just a few months into our engagement and we knew that we wanted to keep the date (you’d be amazed by the number of people who recommend that couples reconsider their wedding dates!)


8 thoughts on “(Not Really) Wordless Wednesday: First Anniversary

  • May 30, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    We got married on May 28th as well. Similarly, We were looking at a couple of weeks after graduating from college. We had a large wedding and Memorial Day weekend allowed a lot of good friends to attend from further away. There were a lot of close by friends who couldn’t come because of the holiday, but there is no way we could have held them in the church if they all came. I enjoyed reading…

    • May 30, 2012 at 1:04 pm

      The holiday weekend worked out pretty well for the large number of teachers we had in attendance! We found that the people who couldn’t attend just couldn’t be there, not really because of the holiday so it worked out well.

      Happy anniversary to you! May 28th is a good wedding date!

  • May 30, 2012 at 1:28 pm

    You two are adorable! Congratulations! Our one year was only 6 months ago, and it felt like such a milestone!

  • May 30, 2012 at 4:07 pm

    Happy anniversary! Your shoes were AMAZEBALLS. I wish I’d done that, though mine would have been red or hot pink.

    • May 30, 2012 at 4:08 pm

      Thanks! They were my dream shoes and they got discontinued so I got the last pair in my size on clearance, with free shipping… under my shoe budget so they were meant to be! My friend is getting married next summer and we’re already searching high and low for the perfect hot pink wedding shoes.

  • May 30, 2012 at 8:39 pm

    Happy anniversary!

    An you’re right about people suggesting you change your wedding date- we’ve only been engaged for less than three months and only had the date actually set for about a month and we’ve already had several people suggest we change it from them thinking our engagement is too long to thinking we should get married in a different season. I didn’t think this many people would really have an opinion about these things- and it’s the ONLY thing we actually have set.

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