Personal Initiatives for 2016
I’m sure a lot of people have already given up on their New Year’s resolutions. If you made a resolution to better yourself, keep going! I don’t really make resolutions, but there are a few personal initiatives I have for the new year.
1. Finish settling into the house.
My biggest pet peeve with the state of the new house is that there’s nothing on the walls yet. It’s nerve wracking to put the first holes in brand new drywall. For now, our large decorations are leaning against the walls roughly where we think we’ll want them and our smaller ones have either been stashed away or placed on a shelf. More than just decorating though, I’m looking forward to getting some additional organization systems in place, like adding shelves in the laundry room and putting up hooks. Settling in is also going to include putting in a yard, landscaping and either a deck or patio.
2. Be smarter about vegetables.
Typically the vegetable is the last part of the meal that I plan… last as in everything may already be cooked and on the plate before I think about vegetables. Usually we end up throwing spinach and tomatoes on the plate and calling it a salad. I want to make more use of our steamer and add variety to our vegetable options. Which really means I just need to get better at planning ahead!
3. Get back to carb counting well and better manage my diabetes.
I’ve fallen into a bad pattern of guesstimating carbohydrates in my food instead of mindfully counting them. More precise counting combined with fine tuning both my insulin-to-carb ratios and basal rates can help me even out and get closer to normal people numbers. A couple of concrete ways I can do better at this is to tag my pre and post meal blood glucose numbers in my PDM and track them using data tools in Glooko. OmniPod recently gave all of us podders a Glooko subscription, and I can upload my PDM to the system as well as connect my Dexcom app and FitBit. It’s a little overwhelming right now to have a dashboard with all of that info, but I will work on a way to incorporate it into my diabetes management.
4. Refashion more.
I have quite a back log of refashion projects built up that I’m looking forward to digging into. I’m also ashamed to admit that I have at least four stalled projects that I’d like to get going again. Finishing the coffee bean dress gave me momentum again. It also doesn’t hurt that I have a sewing room again.
5. Get better at ping pong.
Yes, ping pong. I know it’s a little silly. Brad and I got a ping pong table for Christmas. I’ve only ever played occasionally and I’m not very good. Brad’s work got a table recently and he’s been playing against coworkers and really gotten into it. We actually have our own paddles now. It’s been fun to play together and especially nice since it’s an indoor activity that keeps us out of the cold.
What about you, what are you going to work on this year?
I love the one about ping pong! Ha ha! Priorities! I always have a few “silly” items on my annual bucket list. You gotta have fun in life!
I hear you regarding the carb counting. Sometimes it can be so annoying to have to add up every little carb. I like using an app too. I use either the app that came with my Samsung Galaxy or FatSecret (which is the app for I like that I can speak into my phone or tablet instead of having to type out each food.