Ways to Get Involved in Research

This post is sponsored by Op4G, the research partner that lets you use your opinion for good. They’ve established a research community for people with diabetes to have a voice in future diabetes treatment developments, make a little extra cash and support nonprofit organizations. Sign up to be part of the community.

When you live with a chronic medical condition like type 1 diabetes, it’s easy to give up on the idea of ever being cured. But science continues to progress so there’s hope. If not for a cure, then at least for better treatment.

That progression is due to research… which requires patients like us. There are a variety of ways to be involved in research for cures and treatment. Here are five that you could consider:

Clinical Trials – When most people think of medical research, they think of clinical trials. Clinical trials are testing treatments for medical conditions on human beings.

Clinic Studies – Unlike trials, clinic studies often simply track patient data from participants with specific medical conditions at participating clinics. I’ve personally been involved in a clinic study for a few years now that allows me to share my treatment data and I periodically take a survey as well. The study doesn’t impact my course of treatment.

Surveys – Surveys are the most common type of research and also the easiest type to become involved with. Sometimes they’re being conducted by students as part of a class project, other time they are being used to gather information on treatments, impacts or potential products, services and initiatives. Op4G is a quick, easy and rewarding way to become involved in research through surveys.

Biological Samples – Benaroya Research InstituteSometimes researchers just need to analyze samples from people who live with a specific condition. Blood and urine samples are most common, but other types of samples may be requested depending on the condition. offers a biorepository resource for several diseases.

Focus Groups – In the area of chronic health, these are fewer and farther between, but focus groups are a discussion-based research tool, often used to learn more about the mental/emotional impacts or community aspects of a condition.

Stay tuned for more in this series!

Part 1



PR professional and social media enthusiast, blogging about life, marriage, coffee and type 1 diabetes.

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