Wearable Technology: The Myth of One Size

Wearable technology isn’t really new (I’m not talking about my insulin pump either!). People have been running around with Bluetooth things in their ears appearing to talk to themselves for years now. But wearable tech took another great leap recently with things like smartwatches, fitness trackers and Google Glass.

The Pebble Smart Watch is not pebble size!

In general there are one, maybe two, sizes of each piece of wearable technology. Being married to Brad, I get to try out a a lot of fun tech and I’ve found that wearable technology is anything but one-size-fits all. More like one-size-fits-guys. Or maybe it’s just one-size-doesn’t fit me!

For my birthday, Brad got me a Fit Bit Flex and had to promptly return it and get me a Fit Bit One instead. He did his research and found online that the wristbands for the Flex model will fit “really tiny wrists.” We aren’t sure what the definition of “really tiny” is since it did not fit my wrist.  (I once had a watch sized and the jeweler sizing it had to come meet me to make sure he was sizing the watch for an adult and not a child.) The Fit Bit One fitness tracker clips onto my waistband or pocket making it a better option.

The smart watches on the market are reminiscent of my high school gym class heart rate monitor watch that would slide up and down my arm throughout class, not the mention the chest strap monitor would spend the majority of class down at my hips because elastic didn’t band wasn’t Rachel-width. I’ve played with both the Pebble Smartwatch and the Samsung Galaxy Gear and found that size is a huge problem. Small people like me just aren’t supposed to strap small computers to our bodies… at least not the ones available right now.

Google Glass is a pretty large apparatus, but all in all isn’t that large. I can wear Google Glass, regardless of how strange it feels. In fact… Glass might actually look better on women because their hair covers the battery bulk. However it does create the titanium unibrow look that no woman actually wants to have. I told Brad that Google should make a headband to that the glass fits into, making it integrate a little better into an outfit.

Exploring with Glass has been pretty interesting. We can definitely see good uses for it, but it’s still a large-ish product. I’m specifically talking about the large battery tucked behind your ear that only lasts about 8 hours with “light” use. There have been times when I wished I was wearing Glass so that I could capture something on video, like a crazy driver who nearly caused a wreck while speeding and passing people in a turn lane.

I plan on putting Glass to work for some blogging purposes in the future, but I’m just a little iffy on wearing it out and about. Brad on the other hand, is totally comfortable wearing glass anywhere we go that may be interesting. There are some manners to keep in mind with items like Glass that I think Brad does a great job with, for example, just like you put your phone down during a meal, he takes Glass off during meals. For those who have Glass integrated into their prescription eyeglasses, that can be a challenge.

What are your experiences with wearable technology?

Does it fit you? Do you use it? Why or why not?


PR professional and social media enthusiast, blogging about life, marriage, coffee and type 1 diabetes.

2 thoughts on “Wearable Technology: The Myth of One Size

  • May 1, 2014 at 12:24 pm

    I still don’t think I understand the concept of Glass:( However, I can totally relate to tiny wrist syndrome! It’s impossible to find nice bracelets that don’t slide off my hand, or up to my elbow.

    • May 1, 2014 at 12:29 pm

      My simple explanation is that Glass makes it easy to look up and be active while staying connected and capturing moments. I either have to buy kid-size bracelets or make my own! Rings are also an issue for me.


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